Spectral Fire Audio: Blocks Party - Random Rhythmic
The SFA "Blocks Party" series is our take on music production loops. The Random Rhythmic pack is the first offering (of many to come) focused on new song or idea creation in-mind. You'll also find that these blocks will work well as transitional breaks in your existing songs too! The approach with these was to provide unique options for songwriters/producers that need a quick spark of creativity. I've created folders for tempos 90-200 increasing in 10 BPM increments. What makes these a little creative among themselves, is that they are separated by melodic vs. rhythmic. The odd folders (90, 110, etc) are more melody based, while the evens (100, 120, etc) tend to be focused on rhythmic patterns and movement. The blocks range from 1-8 bars in length depending on the tempo/note used. There are also 10 x 1-bar random glitch FX in each even tempo folder. Block Party-On!!
Click here for audio samples: https://soundcloud.com/spectralfireaudio/blocks-party-random-rhythmic-preview/s-Uz7RA329sYu?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Here's what Random Rhythmic includes:
90 BPM (15 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
100 BPM (16 x 1-bar blocks in every note + 10 Glitch FX)
110 BPM (15 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
120 BPM (15 x 8-bar blocks, 10 Glitch FX, 10 Tape Stop Glitches)
130 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
140 BPM (12 x 1-bar blocks in every note + 10 Glitch FX)
150 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
160 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks, 14 x 4-bar blocks in every note, + 10 Glitch FX)
170 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
180 BPM (15 x 4-bar blocks in every note + 10 Glitch FX)
190 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks in every note)
200 BPM (12 x 2-bar blocks in every note + 10 Glitch FX)
244 Unique "Blocks" and Glitch FX (.wav)